Program Kecemerlangan Upsr 2010
.Pada tanggal 29 dan 30 Julai yang lalu, seramai 19 orang ahli STUFF IIUM telah selamat menganjurkan Kem Bina Sahsiah Tahun 6 bertempat di Sekolah Kebangsaan Guar Perahu, Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang. Alhamdulillah, program ini adalah hasil jemputan dan kerjasama dengan unit pendidikan islam SK Guar Perahu. Selain itu, program ini disertai oleh hampir kesemua murid-murid tahun 6. Program yang berlangsung selama dua hari satu malam ini bermatlamatkan untuk membina sahsiah dan akhlak murid selain daripada untuk menghabiskan penilaian asas fardhu ain (PAFA) mereka.Selamat Datang ke Blog Sek.
Puchong Utama 1 My E-mail: My E-mail: dan aktiviti yang dibawa oleh Stuffiium semuanya berkait rapat dengan pembinaan akhlak dan tidak lupa suntikan motivasi untuk mereka cemerlang di dalam peperiksaan UPSR yang akan datang. Pihak Stuff IIUM juga berasa terharu dan bangga kerna dapat mengadakan program di salah sebuah sekolah yang tertua di Malaysia ini.Buat pengetahuan semua, SK Guar Perahu telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1911 sebelum negara merdeka! Haa hanpa kira la berapa usia dia, terduduk mikirnya. Diharapkan segala apa yang dapat kami kongsikan dapat dimanfaatkan oleh adik-adik buat iktibar dalam menempuhi cabaran hidup yang akan datang.
Kami daripada barisan fasilitator juga sejujurnya banyak belajar daripada adik-adik dan guru-guru disini juga. Jutaan terima kasih buat semua guru-guru yang sanggup berkampung bersama kami di sekolah selama dua hari berprogram terutamanya Ustaz Nazmi selaku kem komandan. Ampun maaf dipinta jika ada yang terkurang daripada kami, dan sesungguhnya layanan daripada warga SK Guar Perahu sangat membuatkan kami selesa sepanjang berada di sana.Semoga kita bertemu lagi, selamat berjuang adik-adik SK Guar Perahu.
Akhir kata, kita test attention grabber sekali, 'Ya Ghulam??' Amali solat jenazah barisan fasilitator bersama guru yang bertugas adik-adik puteri SK Guar Perahu adik-adik putera SK Guar Perahu makan angin sat di Padang Kota.Kem Kepimpinan Genius Leader is one of the activities proposed by SK Parit Melana to STUFF Society. It was held from 29th untill 31st of January 2016.This program is aimed to guide the students in establishing excellent leadership and personality as they will become leaders and role model for the rest of the students. Besides, it is also one of the ways to strengthen the Islamic values in enhancing leadership skills. Besides, through this programme, the members of the club get an opportunity to enhance their skill in managing a programme. It also one of the alternative for the members of the club learn how to cooperate with each other and work together to ensure the successful of the programme.
On 21st to 22nd of April 2016 a team of STUFFIIUM members went to Penang for a school programme. The programme Effective Learning Skills and Self Motivational Camp is organized by Guidance and Counseling Unit Sek.Bakap Indah, collaborate with Student Facilitating Front (STUFF). This programme is aimed to bring numerous benefits for participants as well as to make the students realize the importance of knowledge and to produce students who are excellence in all aspects. Besides, it is also the programme that encourage students to interact appropriately between peers and to promote teamwork among the students. Through this camp it allowed the participants to help each other and build up team spirit as this camp offered many activities and modules. Besides, through this programm, all facilitators get an opportunity to enhance their facilitating skill and also to manage a programme.
Biasanya kebanyakan guru besar membuat program kecemerlangan akademik sekolah pada awal tahun. Ia bertujuan agar pelajar dapat kejayaan yang baik dalam pelbagai peperiksaan. Dalam masa yang sama program seperti ini boleh mengurangkan masalah pelajar tidak berdisiplin.
Effective learning skills and self motivational camp was successfully ended in glory. This programme was running smoothly even there are few problems encountered before.Alhamdulillah with the spirit as a team, we managed to face all situations that rather challenging.
Commitment shown from all committees is not enough to be just credited by names. Praise should be given towards the outstanding collaboration of the committees, as well as the participants in achieving the objectives of the programme successfully.
The programme did also strengthen the ukhuwwah among STUFF members.On the first day of the program, the members started the registration after Maghrib prayer at 8.00 pm. La voce di giulia loquendo tts espanol. All participants had their dinner before went to the musolla for congregational Isya’ prayer and tazkirah before we start the activity.After that, all participants moved to lecturer room 6 & 7 in KOED building for LDK 1 (ice breaking) leaded by the Shoutul Shabab Consultancy. The session started with all committees were introducing themselves to the members participated followed by short speech from the STUFF president, Br.Abdul Muhaimin bin Mohd. Fozi and the program manager of FAMSTRAP, Br. Abdullah Izzat bin Abdul Hamid. The activities on that night are more focusing on the ice-breaking and group formation among the participants.On the second day, the program started with registration of the participants and breakfast.
The program proceeds with LDK 2 (Facilitating Skill) started at 9.00 am. The participants were thought on how to enhance their facilitating skill in a wider view and how to talk with confidence.Next, the LDK 3 (Leadership) took part at 10.30 am after the refreshment and break. This session focused on modules that require leadership element form the participants and how to deal with orders and making decision also how to make a module. Then, after the congregational Zuhur prayer and lunch break, the participants continued with LDK 4 (Teamwork) that ended at 4.30 pm before Asar prayer. During the last day, we had our Family Day and closing ceremony at Taman Putra Perdana, Putrajaya.After breakfast, all participants and committees depart to Putrajaya by bus at 8.00 am.
At the garden, we proceed to games held by the Br Muhaimin to strengthen our ukhuwwah among members for about 3 hours. After the game finished, the activity proceeds with the speech of the Program Manager and appreciation speech by our Advisor, Mdm. Ros Aniza binti Mohd.
After that, all participants were acknowledged as facilitators by the receiving the certificate. Lastly, all the participants and committees depart back to IIUM at 1.00 noon after the photography session. Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah for giving us a chance to run a charity event called IIUM Charity Run for Orphans 2016 successfully.This is a collaboration programme invited by Students Representative Councils (SRC) in conjunction with IIUM Youth Festival 2016. It is a kind of public event as the participation opened for all students and non-students (public) inside and outside of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). There are some public outsider runners that took place in the event as well.The program Appreciation Night is one of the activities in STUFF society.
This program is aimed to appreciate the members of the club especially for those who will be graduating this semester. Besides, it is also one of the ways to strengthen the Islamic values of “ukhuwwah” between the old, new as well as the alumni of STUFF. Besides, through this programme, the members of the club get an opportunity to enhance their skill in managing a programme. It also one of the alternative for the members of the club learn how to cooperate with each other and work together. Gathering for new members is one of the annual activities of this society.This activity is in cooperation with the new intake students. Some selected members of STUFF will conduct this program.The members who will conduct this gathering normally have adequate experience and are well-trained in facilitating skills. The main reason to conduct this activity is to introduce the new members about STUFF.This program is a keystone for preparing students mentally and physically in joining STUFF and to know the nature of the society.
Besides to achieve our purpose of strengthening the ‘ukhuwah’ or bonding among the members of Student Facilitating Front (STUFF), this event is a tradition to our society.We hope we can gather all members of STUFF to participate in this event. Nevertheless, we want to make this mass gathering a successful program so that we can treasure the moment in our life. Further, we are sure this event can help us to know each other very well. For that purpose, we have decided to choose a very interesting and unique activity to make the mass gathering a memorable event.
Gathering for New Members (Mass Gathering) STUFF Ukhuwah & Induction Training (SUIT) were successfully ended in glory.These programmes were running smoothly even there are few problems encountered before. Alhamdulillah with the spirit as a team, we managed to face all situations that rather challenging. Commitment shown from all committees is not enough to be just credited by names.Praise should be given towards the outstanding collaboration of the committees, as well as the participants in achieving the objectives of the programmes successfully. The programme did also strengthen the ukhuwah among STUFF members. The program STUFF Ukhuwah Induction and Training (SUIT) is one of the activities in STUFF society. This program is aimed to strengthen the Islamic values of “ukhuwwah” between the old and new members of STUFF.
Besides, it is to give the very first training and induction for our new members to get them familiar with the nature of the club.This induction and training may enhance their facilitating skills and leadership skills and as to gather all the new members and current members effectively by participating with this activity-based event. In addition, through this programme, the members of the club get an opportunity to enhance their skill in managing a programme. It also one of the alternative for the members of the club learn how to cooperate with each other and work together.Was successfully ended in glory. This programme was running smoothly even there are few problems encountered before.
Alhamdulillah with the spirit as a team, we managed to face all situations that rather challenging. Commitment shown from all committees is not enough to be just credited by names.Praise should be given towards the outstanding collaboration of the committees, as well as the participants in achieving the objectives of the programme successfully. The programme did also strengthen the ukhuwwah among STUFF members.Kami bersama-sama melasa!aa! Sis'em #e!$i$ia! Ilm% #e!&e'a'%a!%!'
% mela'ira!)a!& ber'ara. $%!ia $alam bi$a!&: +.)a!& (e a#, ber esa!, 'el%s $a! Aa$emi )a!& berasas a! )a!& ber%ali'i ba&i me!(a# ai e#%'%sa!A/am )a!& 'erbila!&. P e m b i!a a!S a 's i a ' ) a!& be r a s a s a! #r 1 & r a m #emba!&%!a!)a!& berasas a!
1%ri%l%m )a!& berasas a! &e!erasi bes'ari, a'i $iri $a! C'i %s m%ri$ )a!& (emerla!& $alam 1m%!i'i berilm% )a!& ber'ara. $%!ia.Misi: Kam i /ar &a #e! C' i% s bers ama-s ama mela sa!a a! )a!& ber%ali'i $a!Ba&i memas'i a!
UPSR 7+9 aa! 'er%s bera$a $i #%!(a e(emerla!&a!
La'ar belaa!&: 0. K e % a ' a!:;%%$ # er sa i!& s i' a' $ i al a! T ia $a m as al a' $i si #l i! )a!& se ri%s.;%% $ b%$a )a 'a!
)a bel aa r s em asa /a '% #er se 1la' a! Is% S'ra'e&i: Me!&eala! #era'%s l%l%s esel%r% 'a!
Program Kecemerlangan UpsrUPSR e#a$a +77@ $a! M%ri$ me!(a#ai 8A e#a$a .
Ma'lama' S'ra'e&i: +. Me!i!&a 'a!$alam #e#e ris aa! Me!i!&a 'a! e 'ram #ila! $ iri m% ri$.Me!i!&a' a! Asas $ i ala!&a!
Me!i!&a 'a!B%$a)a #embelaara! Se#a!a!& 'a)a'.Pera'% s m%ri$ )a! & l%l%s (emerla!& 8A me!i!& a'. #era'%s m%ri$ )a!& l%l%s sem%a m a'a#elaara! Sem%a m%ri$ $a#a' me!&%asai ema'ira! Sem%a m%ri$ me!&%asai ema'ira!
TMK $alam P B P. M%ri$ b1le' me!&&%!a a!M%ri$ $a#a' me!&%asai ema'ira! Ber s1sial $a!& ber $iari.
M%ri$ me!&% asai s'ra'e&i #em er1le'a! Ilm% #e!&e'a'%a! S%mber Ke/a!&a!
Moral Precepts24. Robbery commandedEx 3:21,22/ Ex 12:35,36Robbery forbiddenLev 19:13/ Ex 20:1525. Lying approved and sanctionedJosh 2:4-6/ James 2:25/ Ex 1:18-20/ 1 Kings 22:21,22Lying forbiddenEx 20:16/ Prov 12:22/ Rev 21:826. Hatred to the Edomite sanctioned2 Kings 14:7,3Hatred to the Edomite forbiddenDeut 23:727. Killing commandedEx 32:27Killing forbiddenEx 20:1328. The blood-shedder must dieGen 9:5,6The blood-shedder must not dieGen 4:1529. The making of images forbiddenEx 20:4The making of images commandedEx.
Slavery and oppression ordainedGen 9:25/ Lev 25:45,46/ Joel 3:8Slavery and oppression forbiddenIs 58:6/ Ex 22:21/ Ex 21:16/ Matt 23:1031. Improvidence enjoyedMatt 6:28,31,34/ Luke 6:30,35/ Luke 12:3Improvidence condemned1 Tim 5:8/ Prov 13:2232. Anger approvedEph 4:26Anger disapprovedEccl 7:9/ Prov 22:24/ James 1:2033. Good works to be seen of menMatt 5:16Good works not to be seen of menMatt 6:134. Judging of others forbiddenMatt 7:1,2Judging of others approved1 Cor 6:2-4/ 1 Cor 5:1235.
Christ taught non-resistanceMatt 5:39/ Matt 26:52Christ taught and practiced physical resistanceLuke 22:36/ John 2:1536. Christ warned his followers not to fear being killedLuke 12:4Christ himself avoided the Jews for fear of being killedJohn 7:137. Public prayer sanctioned1 Kings 8:22,54, 9:3Public prayer disapprovedMatt 6:5,638. Importunity in prayer commendedLuke 18:5,7Importunity in prayer condemnedMatt 6:7,839. The wearing of long hair by men sanctionedJudg 13:5/ Num 6:5The wearing of long hair by men condemned1 Cor 11:1440.
Circumcision institutedGen 17:10Circumcision condemnedGal 5:241. The Sabbath institutedEx 20:8The Sabbath repudiatedIs 1:13/ Rom 14:5/ Col 2:1642.
English Day Activities
The Sabbath instituted because God rested on the seventh dayEx 20:11The Sabbath instituted because God brought the Israelitesout of EgyptDeut 5:1543. No work to be done on the Sabbath under penalty of deathEx 31:15/ Num 15:32,36Jesus Christ broke the Sabbath and justified his disciples inthe sameJohn 5:16/ Matt 12:1-3,544. Baptism commandedMatt 28:19Baptism not commanded1 Cor 1:17,1445.
Every kind of animal allowed for food.Gen 9:3/ 1 Cor 10:25/ Rom 14:14Certain kinds of animals prohibited for food.Deut 14:7,846. Taking of oaths sanctionedNum 30:2/ Gen 21:23-24,31/ Gen 31:53/ Heb 6:13Taking of oaths forbiddenMatt 5:3447. Marriage approvedGen 2:18/ Gen 1:28/ Matt 19:5/ Heb 13:4Marriage disapproved1 Cor 7:1/ 1 Cor 7:7,848. Freedom of divorce permittedDeut 24:1/ Deut 21:10,11,14Divorce restrictedMatt 5:3249.
Post Upsr Activity
Adultery forbiddenEx 20:14/ Heb 13:4Adultery allowedNum 31:18/ Hos 1:2; 2:1-350. Marriage or cohabitation with a sister denouncedDeut 27:22/ Lev 20:17Abraham married his sister and God blessed the unionGen 20:11,12/ Gen 17:1651. A man may marry his brother's widowDeut 25:5A man may not marry his brother's widowLev 20:2152. Hatred to kindred enjoinedLuke 14:26Hatred to kindred condemnedEph 6:2/ Eph 5:25,2953.
Program Kecemerlangan Upsr 2011
Intoxicating beverages recommendedProv 31:6,7/ 1 Tim 5:23/ Ps 104:15Intoxicating beverages discountenancedProv 20:1/ Prov. It is our duty to obey our rulers, who are God's ministersand punish evil doers onlyRom 13:1-3,6It is not our duty to obey rulers, who sometimes punish thegood and receive unto themselves damnation thereforEx 1:17,20/ Dan 3:16,18/ Dan 6:9,7,10/ Acts 4:26,27/Mark 12:38,39,40/ Luke 23:11,24,33, 3555. Women's rights deniedGen 3:16/ 1 Tim 2:12/ 1 Cor 14:34/ 1 Pet 3:6Women's rights affirmedJudg 4:4,14,15/ Judg 5:7/ Acts 2:18/ Acts 21:956. Obedience to masters enjoinedCol 3:22,23/ 1 Pet 2:18Obedience due to God onlyMatt 4:10/ 1 Cor 7:23/ Matt 23:1057. There is an unpardonable sinMark 3:29There is not unpardonable sinActs 13:39.