Playlist File Remover Winamp Media
Closed as off-topic by, ♦, ♦ Jan 19 '15 at 4:23This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:. 'Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they become outdated quickly and attract opinion-based answers. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve. Share your research.
On how to properly ask this type of question.' – Nifle, DavidPostill, mdpc, randomIf this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the, please. Of course, you can use a text editor to edit m3u files. But this leaves you with one problem:How to get full paths for hundreds of music files(You can use something like Dir /S /R /B playlist.txt and append the content via notepad to your existing m3u file.)But instead I suggest you use a playlist editor like.Open your existing playlist and use drag & drop to add more music filesThe advantages are. Faster then Foobar / Winamp when handling large playlists. No extra step needed to get mp3 paths.
Playlist File Remover is a free and great plugin for Winamp. It will allow you to remove a track from a playlist automatically. It will also give you the option of using a shortcut key to remove from your playlist the currently playing song.
Where Are Winamp Playlists Stored
Playlist File Remover Winamp Media Download