How To Install Mailgraph On Centos 6
Debian Lenny has packages for Mailgraph and pflogsumm, so we simply install these. We also install rrdtool that stores the data which is needed by Mailgraph to draw the graphs: aptitude install rrdtool mailgraph. Now we configure the mailgraph package like this: dpkg-reconfigure mailgraph. You will be asked a few questions.
To ease navigation between the two CGI pages,.mailgraph.cgi. and.queuegraph.cgi., create a HTML index page with links to both CGI pages.Create the file./var/www/html/index.html. with the below as its content:
Make a directory with a name of your choosing, then enter the directory. Once you are in your new directory, enter the following command to download the compressed Python source file. Wget the file is finished downloading, uncompress the file by using tar, then enter into the new directory that was just created: tar -xJf Python-3.6.4.tar.xzcd Python-3.6.4 Step 3: Run the configuration script.Use the following command to have the installation software check your system before actually starting the installation process./configureThis command ensures that the install will work, along with creating a special ‘makefile’ that is unique to your system. This makefile is what you will use to install Python onto your system. Step 4: Install Python.Now we can finally execute the makefile. Run the following command to install Python onto your system.
Note: This will take a few minutes. The speed of the compilation and install will depend on the speed of your processor.First, we run the ‘make’ command which compiles the program. MakeThen, once that is finished, we can run the installation command.
How To Install Mailgraph On Centos 6 8
Make installOnce this command finishes, you will have installed Python successfully, along with pip and setuptools. From here, creating a virtual environment is easy, and coding and executing the latest Python code is now possible.Of course, you don’t have to install Python 3.6.4 on CentOS 7, if you use one of our high-speed plans – in which case you can simply ask our expert Linux admins to install Python 3.6.4 for you. They are available 24×7 and will take care of your request immediately.PS. If you liked this post, on how to install Python 3.6.4 on CentOS 7, please share it with your friends through the social networks by using the buttons on the left, or simply leave a reply below. For method two, running `make install` is a bit risky.
It puts the python executable into /usr/local/bin by default, potentially overwriting a pre-existing python version there, and also changing the behavior of scripts that do not specify whether they want to be run with python2 or python3.In such a case, it is advisable to run `make altinstall` instead, or even better, run the initial configuration with a target path other than /usr/local/bin: `mkdir -p /home/user/alternativepythons/python3.6 &&./configure –prefix=/home/user/alternativepythons/python3.6`.